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bannedagain said:

Funny you say so but when your girl goes home with one of your friends because she wants something different because she has never had anything different. Then what?

I can tell you have not had a whole lot of experience with girls. Anyone that doesn't know this fact is purely oblivious.

Say what you like but it's the truth.  90% of the time. I have been on the other end of that coin, with the girl coming after me. Not a friends girl, which has happened but i'm no dog and wouldn't touch a friends girl.

WHy am I telling a room full of gamers that might never understand?  A lot of you most likely don't get out and never will have as much experience.  I'm not saying all of you.

My girl agree's with me and yet you don't . HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! Most girls will not admit to this sort of thing and you wouldn't know unless you've seen it a million times. I live close to chicago and I own a production company. I have lots of friends from all paths of life and I'm almost 30 years old. You we learn. Find a girl that has had her fun or you will realize what can happen or will, Unless you find the virgin that is part of that 10%.

I know plenty of church going christains that do the exact same. Even more maybe.  but who am I, you say a guy with a Jaded outlook. I say you have no experience and am positive that you don't know girls at all.

Are there any gay guys in the room. Gay guys should know this the best because they are friends with a lot of girls and know that this happens.  I have gay friends that completely agree.  All anecdotal evidence. Take what you want from it.

Whats wrong with a girl being sexual, maybe you are the jaded person. Girls lye about how many guys they sleep with because jaded people like you will judge. So maybe it's you and not me.

You shouldn't make statements like that when you don't know jack shit about him or his fiance.  Jerk.

(To any mods who may be viewing this, I know outlaw in real life.  Shit just got personal.)