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Level-5's annual "Level-5 Vision" press conference is usually packed full of new game announcements. The pattern will hold true this year as well.

In an interview with Nikkei Trendy, CEO Akihiro Hino said to expect around 20 title announcements. Last year's Level-5 Vision saw 10 title announcements, he reminded.


Expectedly, he wouldn't get too specific about what we can expect. The title list includes mobile content. Additionally, he said to expect major surprises, even more surprising than last year's Professor Layton VS Ace Attorney announcement. He also said to expect something that, similar to Ni no Kuni's collaboration with Studio Ghibli, reaches out from the game industry.

It should be noted that the use of the word "announcement" can be pretty vague in Japanese contexts. It's possible (and likely, given the numbers) that these announcements aren't just new titles but include new details on previously announced titles.

As reported earlier, Level-5 Vision will also be the announcement point for the studio's overseas plans.

This year's Level-5 Vision will most likely be held around August, Hino told the site.


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