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How did they treat them?  Crusaders and corruptted church leaders dont make up for not even 10% of christians in the world, if thats your point. And besides, what religous side treated others kindly? Not one.  Were muslims and jews kind to christians? Nope. In middle ages, war was connected to everything, and as much as you find it hard to believe, Christians arent responsible for every single war that happend in Middle Ages. Examples such as ottoman Empire and muslim invasion of Hispania prove so.

Everyone listened to those corrupt Church leaders back then. They had more power than anyone, whatever they said was as good as if it came straight from the "mouth of God". And the Christians sure beleived that they were doing "God's will" by commiting all the attrocities they did (which is the onyl thing that matters). And you're seriously gonna pick on Jews? I can undertsand picking on Muslims, but on Jews? They were nomads persecuted by Chritsians starting from the second half of the Middle Ages. They had no power and were treated terribly (and we all know how their persecution culminated in the early 20th century). And Muslims treated Christians way better than Christians treated any non-Christian, after all, Muslims never commited genocide like the Christians did (in the Americas, which was later, and that actually makes things wrose), or ethnic cleansing (in Spain).And did you know that back then it was actually not considered murder to kill a non-Christian, nor was it considered a sin?

That is bullshit on so many levels its hard...

I'll say it again, a religion can only be judged by the behaviour of it's followers. Religious texts are not so explicit and are often open to interpretation, which leads to followers interpreting them as they see fit. All the attrocities Christians have commited throughout time were done in the name of God, and the people actually believed that.

I agree. In fact all of Balkans should be brought back under turkish rule, because we obviously stole their land in 1912 and in mid-19th century. Also,Poland should be part of Germany, because Poles stole their land in 1945... And India should be part of England as well, those guys stole their english land..

The difference is that during the Reconquista Muslims were the majority in Spain. The Christians lived in the North of the Peninsula, and after they starte conquering the Peninsula piece by piece and forcefully converting/killing/deporting the majority population. Also, most of the Muslims who lived in Spain were Spanish people, not people of Middle Eastern descent. They had as much right to live (actualyl much more right) than any of the Christians from the North. From what I know the turks had never been the majority in the Balkans. Unlike Christians they never led an ethnic cleansing initiative, which would've helped them keep that region forever. Your analogies are weak (Indians have always been the majority population in India, ehck there are more Indians than Europeans).The point of the nationalistic movements that took place in the late 19th/early20th century was that those people (Poles, Indians, etc.) were the MAJORITY people living in those territories, and they were treated as second class citizens in their own countries. The only place in Spain where Christians were the majority in Spain was the North. In the part ruled by muslims, muslims were the majority (and most of the muslims were of European descent, not Middle Eastern descent). The Christians from the North had as much right to those lands as the Germans had to Great Britain.

Seriously, I thibk you are getting deprate, you should stop arguing about this. Stole it from romans???? Do you even know who romans were? They were THE FUCKING CONQUERS of the land, you cant steal something that you previously owned. Romans also invaded Hispannia, a land that didnt belong to them. If you take something that didnt belong to you and later you lose it, you cant say someone stole it from you because it was never yours, you just took it away.

Then that would apply to the Spanish Chrisitans, no? Anyway if a population is the majority population living on a territory, then that territory belongs to them. The Spanish conquered by the Muslims mostly willingly converted to Islam. They were the majority there, and the Christians either killed them or deported them to Africa.he point of the nationalistic movements that took place in the

^^Just some example on these barberic people. But no, seriously, Europe was and IS the most advanced continent on the planet, to say people there were un civilized is rather...insane

Europe was the most advanced continent on the planet during the Middle Ages??? O_o Seriosuly???!!! That link doesn't prove your point, as the first person mentioned there was from the 15th century, and the Middle Ages ended then. Europe started progressing when the Renessance started. During the Middle Ages the only European state that can be considered either advanced or civilized was the Islamic state that existed in Spain. Do some research, and you'll find out I'm right. And LOL @ that site claiming spreading false information about Einstein. Pathetic.

Iberian Peninsula is ruled by christians, the muslims come and attack them ,took the land that didnt belonged to them, than christians attack muslims and took their land that was stolen from the by muslims.

I already answered this already. The only land that belonged to the Chrisitans of the North was the land they had in the North. The rest of the Peninsula belonged to the people who were the majority there: MUSLIMS!

Again, it had nothing to do with spreading of christianity which was my point.  I wasnt arguing on weather or not christian church would as powerfull as it was wthout inquisition, i said inqusition had nothing to do with spreading of christianity. Only with keeping christian churhc in power.

But the only way the Christian Church would lose power, was if people stopped believing in it.

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"Last book I read was Brokeback Mountain, I just don't have the patience for them unless it's softcore porn."

                                                                               (The Voice of a Generation and Seece)

"If you cant stand the sound of your own voice than dont become a singer !!!!!"
