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Ok so my friend , right? He's always getting drunk and telling me how much he thinks of me.. but only ever when he's drunk. we used to hang all the time, but now he'll barely even talk to me unless he'd had a few pints.

Anyway, I accompanied him to the pub earlier for the big football match and he got drunk. Then on our way to uni (we have a report due tomorrow, and it was so important for me to talk to him that I gave that up to go to the pub with him) he wanted to go meet his girlfriend cos she'd just finished her shift at a nearby pub. So I went with him to meet her so he wasn't alone, then I made sure we walked her to the bus stop. Waited 25 minutes so she'd get the bus home safe, then he bailed on me.

Left me alone in town in the middle of the night on a big match day. (violence apparently increases by about 600% on this day, its the cup final and the two big Glasgow teams were playing for the cup). I had to walk up to uni by myself and ran into him on the way. He bumped into me and i said "fuck you" before walking on.

He won't have any recollection of this tomorrow. I need to grow some balls.

Highwaystar101 said: trashleg said that if I didn't pay back the money she leant me, she would come round and break my legs... That's why people call her trashleg, because she trashes the legs of the people she loan sharks money to.