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Oh but im just jidging it by the behaviour of some atheist i've meet in life (aka YOU). If you can be judgemental, so can I.

Well, I'm only responding to you as you justly deserve.

Study christian attidutes? what the hell? How can you study something like that? There are 2 billion christian people, you want me to go around the world and ask them what do they think of other religions? And another thing:

I said study the attitudes of Christiasn towards other religions THROUGHOUT TIME, in other word from a historical perspective. In other words buy a history book and see read about how Chrisitans have treated people of other religions throughout time.

Stop taking my points out of context and twisting your own. You said ''Christianity is opressing'' but thats not the same as saying ''Christians are opressive''. I asked if Christianity is opressive where does Christ says all other religions are evil  and wrong (fun fact: Jesus was a JEW!!!). Christianity is based on his teachings, and yet nowhere does he say other religions are evil. Yes, lots of ''christians'' were opressive trough the ages, but thats not what you said in the first place. You said christianity is opressive and that is straight up wrong, no matter how many christians were opressive, since their behaviour goes directly against Jesus's teachings.

A religion can only be judged by the behaviour of it's adherents, especially the attitudes of those who are in charge. It's not important what Jesus said. Most likely most of the things you think he said were actually said by the people claiming to be his followers. Jesus himself never wrote anything. What's important is how people interpret the teachings and how they act.

Ok, do you mind telling me in what kind of higher power they believe? What is their holly scripture (their holly book)?... Yup, they have none.Quite te religion, right?

There are lots of Buddhists texts and scriptures. There's a whole section about that on Wikipedia. They also believe in a higer power, but it's not a theistic religion, so it's quite different from what you think religion is. Ask a Buddhist on this site if you can find one, or do some research yourself.

Ugn, no. Secularism has nothing to do with it. People rule those countries, not the politics or church. And if people of western Europe (who are mostly christianis in majority) didnt want muslim immigrantes in their country, than muslim imigration in western Euorpe would have been much smaller. People >>> governmant politics

Most people don't like immigrants, for reasons that have less to do with religion. I'm sure people would love less immigrants going into their countries and stealing their jobs (as many of them put it), but Governments have the role of protecting human rights, not bending over to what the masses may want in their ignorance.

I suggest you visit Italy some day

When they invent a time machine, I'll take you to the Middle Ages and show you how "civilized" European Christians were.

It was essentially Christians from the North of Spain stealing lands that for centuries belonged to muslims'',<------- YOUR OWN WORDS  on which i replaied with links that say that IT WERE MUSLIMS WHO attacked Iberian Peninsula and Christians, a LAND that DID NOT BELONG to them. Christians start retaking LAND THAT BELONGED TO THEM, before MUSLIMS ATTACKED THEM. These facts prove that Christians only wanted to retake tha land that was stolen from them by muslim conquers,  But you, as usual, twist the topic and start saying how muslims wre really good, smart and tolerant despite that having nothing to do with our discussion. It doesnt change the fact that they ATTACKED THE LAND THAT DOESNT BELONG TO THEM. So just fucking admit you were wrong, nobody is gonna kill your family and castrate you with a chansaw if you do that from time to time.

Those Christians were actually Vizigoths who had stolen those lands from the Romans. And the Romans had stolen the lands from... etc. The Slavs (your ancestors) also were barbarians that came and stole lands from the Romans, lands that that did not belong to them.

I'm not wrong in any way, plus that doesn't change the fact that the Christian invaders were much worse and cruel, and much more fanatical regarding religion,  than the Moors ever were, which defeats the image of the "poor Christians" taking back the lands that the "big bad bloodthirsty muslims" stole from them. If you learn more about this, you'll actually find out that the Christian Vizigoths were so incompetent, that the Moors didn't have ti use that much violence to conquer the Iberian Peninsula. In many cases the Christians surrendered to the new rulers willingly, tired of their own incomeptent authorities.

Yes, God forbid they werent nice to people who took ther land and homes, but it doesnt matter if they were nice to them or not, it doesnt chnage the fact that muslim started the war, christians only seek to retake take their land.

There was no war before the Christians started it. The Christians who participated in the Reconquista had nothing to do with the Vizigoths who lost the peninsyula to the Moors. Also, in case you didn't know this, most of the Muslims that the Christians persecuted were actually ethnic spaniards, who had converted to Islam (most of the conquered Christians willingly converted to Islam, due to the advantages doing so brought), so the Christians were perecutting their own people, jsut because they had a different religion (then again there's not much more you can expect from religious fanatics).

Inqusition, has but NOTHING TO DO with spreading of christianity, which is my main point, on which you tried to twist words, as always. Seriously, stop doing that

It had lots to do with making sure that everyone practiced a certain form of Christianity (and people who weren't Christians were persecuted). Can you imagine how different Christianity would be today, if certain sects hadn't been wiped out by the Inquisition? Why did the Christians have to persecute "withces", and Muslims, and Jews, if they weren't afraid of them?

"I don't understand how someone could like Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky, but not like Twilight!!!"

"Last book I read was Brokeback Mountain, I just don't have the patience for them unless it's softcore porn."

                                                                               (The Voice of a Generation and Seece)

"If you cant stand the sound of your own voice than dont become a singer !!!!!"
