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figured I might as well bump this thread since I just got my hands on a 3DS demo at Grand Central NYC.

The 3d i found to be very dissapointing, especially if that minor effect is really what's bumping up the price to 250.  Honestly it just is not that intense of a 3d effect.  I saw all the 3ds reaction vids on utube and was flabbergasted when i found out how minor the effect was in person.

No it does not hurt your eyes... but I can see how it would if you are not in the sweet-spotted all the time.  Basically, the 3d effect is so minor that honestly it's hard to tell if you even have the sweetspot.  So if you are playing the game for a prolonged period of time not in the sweetspot then yes the blurriness will become annoying.

Yes, the 3d effect, however minor it is, is "kinda cool," a bit better than movie 3d, and waaay less annoying than the glasses version, but overall it feels "flimsy."  This 25 minutes or so I spent at the demo booth pretty much sealed the deal on me putting of the purchase, not indefinitely though.  I pass through this station all the time though so I'll be giving it several more tries