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NYANKS said:
oni-link said:
NYANKS said:
irstupid said:
DavidValbu said:
NYANKS said:
DavidValbu said:

It's a difficult question. I mean, both consoles have great 1st party games. Here are my favourites:

PS3: The Last Guardian, Uncharted 2, LittleBigPlannet 2.

XBOX360:  Fable II &  III

Apart from that, there iare also quite good 3rd parties exclusive that I like:

PS3: Heavy Rain, Metal Gear Solid 4, Final Fantasy vs XIII

XBOX360: Alan Wake, Lost Oddyssey, Gears of Wars 1 & 2

May I buy an HD console or should I wait until next generation now that rumours about new homeconsoles machines are starting to flood the net?

Or should I start ignoring videogames and just dedicate to read high quality books in my spare time?

You missed Resistance, Ratchet and Clank, Infamous, Killzone, God of War 3, and Gran Turismo.  :P

No, I didn't. I am not really interested in those titles. Neither Halo.

don't you love it when people come in and tell you what games you forgot?  lol

must say though, looking at your games i dislike the fact you listed FF 13 vs, and last guardian.  Don't like when people list games not out yet, or that they haven't played.

i mean i'm sure most had ff13 on their list for 10 years or however long it took to release, and look how that turned out.  i was super dissapointed with that game.

I was just trying to make the point that Sony excels and MS lacks more than what he was showing.  If he doesn't like them fine.  But his list makes them seem the same...

That's actually your opinion as not all people think PS3 is the best thing that happened in videogame since the NES.  I for one find PS3 games lacking (esp online aspects of their games) and really don't see much of a diffrence graphics wise between the two.  But again that's just my opinion.  Also it's noteworthy to mention, 360 slim looks hell of a lot better than PS3 slim on someone's entertainment system.  The 360 slim looks like it belongs on a high end HD system while the PS3 slim looks like it was made by Hasbro or Vtech.  Heck even the underpowered Wii looks more sophisticated and grown up compared to the toyish look of the PS3!!! Again, it's my opinion as you definitely digg  the PS3 for reasons that beffudle me.

Actually, graphics are largely not opinion to those of a technical mind, such as Digital Foundry and even people here.  There is nothing on 360 as nice looking as Uncharted 2, I thought this was pretty well accepted.  And your problem with the look is definitely your opinion, this means little to me.  I'm just saying that Sony has a more substantial first party presence than MS, I don't know how that can be disputed either.  And I'd like to hear your online argument, I'll admit most people feel the 360's is better but I feel it is often overstated for fanboy type reasons.

GRAPHICS don't make a game.  just cause a game has the bets graphics don't mean its amazing. 

take food for example.  chefs could make an amazingly neat looking dish, but does that mean the food will taste good?  no, the food could be horrible.  Or teh food could be good, but I'm allergic to that food, or I hate that food.  Some people love sushi, some people hate it.  some people like their steaks raw, some like them well done.  ect.

same for games.  presentation or GRAPHICS aren't everything.  We aren't saying those are bad games, but if i'm going to list great ps3 games WHY WOULD I LIST GAMES I DID NOT LIKE?