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Joelcool7 said:
sapphi_snake said:
Joelcool7 said:

Am I the only one who noticed the video came from the Comedy Central Channel?  Ohz alittle research and yah its legit. Holy crap the song sucks. You'd think the producer or at least Rebecca herself would say WTF and put an end to it. Though It has gone viral and she will probably now have a career.

This just shows all the kids who wanna become big, sing the worst song you can write, then make a video it'll go viral and then you'll get a record deal.

But do people really want to be laughingstocks? IS this the kind of career she wants?

Hey if she can release a good song next, with all the worlds attention she could get a good career. All publicity is good publicity (Most of the time). I gotta say she could end up selling a CD with some good music if she writes some good music and the producer/director doesn't screw her over.

I wonder if the producer thought this could be a viral hit, or if he genuinley tried to screw this girl over by letting this thing get made?

Would have been actually been a great idea if her voice wasn't so bad - I rarely comment about the lack of talent of some of today's singers, but this video really takes it to a new low

And about the producer...etc, Passion ---> Greatness, I don't think the people at ARC like seeing their work go to a spoiled little rich girl with zero talent