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||DeOn|| said:


im a playstationwii fan

right beside my nintendo 64 was a ps1

right beside the psp was ds(when i owned them)

and same goes with ps3 and wii

what more would you need? lol


ps3 has a better variety of game's(not to mention the fact that damn near all 360 game's end up going over to the ps3 at the end of the day aswell)and it come's with everything out of the box


you cant go online with 360 out of the box without having to spend more money and you cant even browse through the xbox store/marketplace for some game's or even demo's without having to pay


you have to PAY to pay for game's off the mrketplace


and you cant play the 360 for more than 2 full day's of time without having to come out of you're pocket's to buy more batterie's or a play and charge kit


I've bolded the lies.