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There is no way the 3DS will be holding back the NGP.  The NGP will be getting basically the HD console games.  It will have much support from western 3rd parties because of their multiplatform development workflow. It was Sony's smartest decision IMHO.  It also supports Unreal Engine 3 which means it's dev costs will be insignificant for 3rd parties as well since they have already invested heavily in Unreal Engine 3. It will also have many iOs ports because of it's specification and processor type.  Around the time the NGP finally releases cell phones will be getting closer as the first dual core phones should be coming out soon(may already be out) anyway making the NGP share games with the fastest growing platform in the industry leaving the 3DS out of the loop(on the newer iOS games anyway).  The 3DS can't and wont stop that from happening.