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Future Zune Hardware might be dead... and  they have said it before that this might be the last revision of the Zune player.

Many people have wondered what the point is of having a Zune Player when all Windows Phone 7s have Zune built in. Why not just get a Windows Phone 7? I too have wondered that when the Windows Phone 7s came out, but I prefer having a standalone Zune player due to battery life and any type of notification interuptions that may come up during my music sessions at work might mess up my groove.. (girlfriend buggin) ¬_¬

On a side note: the whole Windows Phone 7 interface has fucked up my Zune HD interface skills. I try to navigate like i'm on Windows Phone 7 on my Zune HD and it pisses me off so much that I want to kick someone in the balls.. 

So it seems to me that M$ is  going to concentrate on Zune as a software rather than a device and license it out to hardware manufacturers and whatnot...


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