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oni-link said:
mantlepiecek said:

So all old articles or multiplatform articles. Hmm...

Here's a video that is newer. It will help you a little bit, you know.

And 360 has started to show a lot of limitations. Its been 5 years instead of the 4 years of the PS3, so if the devs haven't yet figured out how to program for the easiest system of this generation, then

hmmm....I thought the Wii was the easiest platform to program this gen?  The Wii IS essentially a boosted version of NIntendo's legacy platform GCN and thus should be easier  to program for.  Anyways, I still think the 360 has some games that looks a bit better than PS3 in terms of graphical fidelity.   Did you even click on all the links I posted?  Especially the LoS 360 version looks a lot better than PS3 IMHO.  At the end of the day 360 still wins even if it were to top out compared to PS3 (which again isn't really that much of a diff) because of it's no gadget the Kinect.  That thing just kicks the Move in the behind (the Move being only a boosted version of the WR ) in terms of innovation and potential.  I think MS will have something to showcase before this gen is over (this gen should be over by 2013) that really maxes the system!!! 

The 360 is the easiest. It is just like a PC and uses direct x 9.

I clicked all the links you posted, and if I didn't that's because I already know what those links are for.

Castlevania runs better on the PS3 but looks the same. Both digitalfoundry and lens of truth have said this. Its common knowledge.

360 wins just because you want it to, you haven't yet shown me a single game that even looks better than Killzone 2, let alone God of War 3 or Uncharted 2.

Kinect and Move are so unrelated, besides, if you really want to know which one's is better, compare killzone 3 a Move game to all the kinect and non-kinect games on the 360. Graphically it destroys everything on the 360 and that is a fact. Just because you "feel" doesn't make something a fact.

Besides why even bring kinect into a graphical discussion? If you want to talk about innovation here's the thing: Kinect is getting games that are similar to what the wii got in the beginning. Its doing nothing new, except for Dance Central which is probably the only thing that uses kinect very well. Now this doesn't mean kinect doesn't work well, its just not used innovatively like you say.

Move on the other hand is used in games like RTS's like RUSE and under seige(unreleased), and puzzle games like echochrome 2 which are much more unique implementations of the device. Its also used in KZ3 in the sharpshooter which is how people imagined kinect to play when it was announced, imagine the irony that its the Move that's doing it first.

Now back to graphics part: Keep your feelings aside and look at one thing every developer on the PS3 contests for when it comes to graphics: Crytek challenged killzone 2 and not Gears of War 2, you know why? Yeah because it looked better and deserved more respect in terms of graphics. God of War 3 is always compared to newer good looking games, you know why? Coz its unmatched. No one talks about castlevania or Dante's Inferno or Mass effect 2 because they are not the graphics kings(on consoles) of this gen anymore. It will always be a PS3 exclusive just like how UC1 was or KZ2 was or UC2 was or KZ3 is along with God of war 3 and UC3 will be the future graphics king on consoles.

Even with Codename Kingdoms, if crytek has the balls they will contest God of War 3, chances are after what happened with killzone 2, they may not.