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Not a surprise really, and I don't mean that negatively.  Carmack - quite correctly in my opionion - has always been a strong advocate of hardware beind designed for developers and that the cost of development has to be reduced for big games.

While I personally slightly favour the PS3 as a consumer (mainly preferring a combi Hd console and BR player although I do like my 360 slim also) as a developer I would undoubtably prefer the efforts MS made to make the 360 easy to program for and to work closely with developers.

They did a good job there - and one that will probably ensure Sony develop the PS4 with a lot more input from developers and with more of an eye to making it cheaper to develop for.  This is what competition is supposed to be about from a consumer perspective, as those kinds of advancement are to our benefit.

Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...