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I voted 360.

I've been a Nintendo Loyalist (Not fanboy, just loyal) since I got my NES. I never bought a system that competed with Nintendo. My first non-Nintendo console was DreamCast which I bought after Sega buckled I didn't consider it a competitor with GameCube. I then bought a 360 after Nintendo exec's went on stage and encouraged us to do so, they said 360 and PS3 were not competitors. I then bought my PS3.

However if next gen Nintendo releases a powerful console that gets third party games (Good Ones) then I will return to being a Nintendo only guy. Fact is Nintendo is my favorite company and if they can deliver a good peice of hardware next gen (Similiar to GameCube) then I will throw all my support exclusively their way.

As for why I chose X-Box. Well I love the games, Halo, BlueDragon , Gears. Some of my other favorite Microsoft properties never transitioned from the orgional X-Box. However games wise I love my X-Box 360 over my PS3.


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer