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I had such high hopes.

Serious comments to follow

But actually, a lot of people don't realise just how significant Ninjabread Man is. In fact, I'd go as far as to say Ninjabread Man is the number 2 reason (beyond the mass market appeal and positive press) that Wii will win this console war. Think about it. When you tell developers their products are too bad to be released on your console, you turn developers away. When you turn developers away, you get less variety of games etc. 


Nintendo used to be a communist company, even turning away 4/10 games during the early days. They have finally decided to let the free market work. They are finally letting not just third party developers on their consoles (which once was barely allowed), but really crappy ones. This is a GREAT THING! As bad as it is, a game like Ninjabread man will be enjoyed by some young people. It really will. All Nintendo can do by allowing these games on its console is MAKE MORE MONEY and APPEAL TO A WIDER AUDIENCE. Almost any game released on Wii is a WIN for Nintendo. If the free market doesn't demand the game, the developer will learn and make something else. It's not like Nintendo made the game.

And it's stupid thinking a game like this will tank the Wii. No one is going to criticise the Wii for a game like this. Anyone remotely human can see this doesn't challenge you because you're not 4 years old. I mean, pointing at targets and shooting would be an AWESOME experience for a 4-year-old. And everyone in business knows that appealing to children, however young, is HUGE money. You know, why do you think there are so many baby toys???