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Let's see...

Final Fantasy 9: It's an ok game, but it's a disgrace compared to the rest of the series, horrible story, cliched characters, boring battle system

Dragon Quest 8: Worst game I've played, and let's leave it to that

Halo CE: To be fair, I hate most FPSes, and this one epitomizes all I hate about the genre

Super Mario games (and SM64 in particular): I just can't get into them, I hate the total lack of anything like a story, and the mechanics don't feel right to me, it's just not fun

Zelda OOT: The game was good, but it was just that, I never understood why they call it one of the best games ever, it's a good game with a world that never really got interesting

Mass Effect: Ok, I don't like shooters and I don't like WRPGs, I tried to like this one, but I didn't get hooked at all. Plus, it was very glitchy

Okami: I dunno if it's superhyped, but everyone says that it's an amazing game. I liked the art style, but it was boring, you'd do the same over and over again

Pokemon Diamond: I like the older pokemon games, but by this one the series had already become really stale and the new pokemons sucked

Metal Gear Solid 3: I didn't like the gameplay changes, it tried to do too much, I preferred the simplicity of MGS1 and 2