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-Devil May Cry (series).  I got the first one ata time when I was starved for a new PS2 game.  It was great but I've hated every one since.  Withe Devil May Cry 4, I finally said "What am I doing?"ans I quit playing it.  I just don't like Dante, his story,his enemies, or anything anymore.  Bayonetta just did everything better.

-inFamous: I never got hooked.  Maybe if I finish it.  As it stands, it had an unlikeable, ggeneric main character, a cliche story, weak graphics, and repetitive gameplay.  It had some cool powers but I never felt like a super-hero.  I will be buying inFamous 2 in hopes that it improves but I really wish they'd kept the new Cole instead of the emo bald Cole.

-Halo Reach:  I LOVED Halo 3.  It made me go back and buy Halo 1& 2.  I played Halo Reach and never got into it.  A bunch of under-developed characters were dying in various ways.  I had no attachment to them (was there a book I should have read?).  I kept waiting for a "HOLY SHIT" moment but it never happened.  The music was not as goood as I hoped.  The enemies were faceless.  I was really let down by the campaign.  The only bright spot was the end where I was told to "survive".

-Twisted Metal:  seriously?  People are hyped for this game?  It was never all that great  of a series (TM1 did win EGM's game of the year in 1995 but that was due to the technology, more than anything).  I think it's just an old series that nostalgia nutts willlwant to buy.  Everybody else is likely to be let down....or maybe the series just isn't for me.