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There's a review in nRevolution issue 16:

Ninjabreadman/Rock n Roll Adventures

Two new platformers... or so we're led to believe.

Hang on a minute, two games, one review? That's because these two games are, for all practical purposes, the same. And we don't mean they're sort of similar in a platformy way. They're by the same people, have the same premise, the same front end, the same aim, the same moves and attacks... the only difference is that in one you're a gingerbread man, in the other you're Elvis; in one you throw ninja stars, in the other you attack with guitar chords. At £20 these are budget titles, but even so they're barely half a game each at only four levels long and we finished both in a couple of hours. DO...NOT...BUY!!!

In short:
-Way too short even for budget.
-Derivative platforming.
-Shameless game cloning.

Score: 0.5/10

They also gave Billy The Wizard Rocket Broomstick Racing (by the same people) 2.4/10.

Avoid anything with DDI, Bold Games, Koch Media or Conspiracy on the box. It's all these people and it'll end in tears.