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Part 1: January to June

Hot Shots Golf 5

Already released in Japan and due for release in the next few months (February/March)


It's been delayed a few times and is now pencilled in for March.


It's out in Europe, but will appear in NA shortly (February/March).

SOCOM Confrontation

Due out shortly (March/April).

Metal Gear Solid 4

Potential GOTY for the PS3 is due out in April in Japan and May for the rest of the world.

Gran Turismo 5 Prologue

Already out in Japan and due out in the ROTW late spring early summer.

Tekken 6

This one should appear right before the summer.

Ferrarri Challenge

Should be an early summer release.

Battlefield Valkyrie

Another early summer release for this one.


Part 2: July to December


Due in September.

Yakuza 3

Due late 2008.


Due late 2008.

Killzone 2

Due late 2008.

White Knight Story

Due late 2008.

Naruto PS3 Project

Due late 2008. 

Final Fantasy XIII

Due very late 2008.

Final Fantasy Versus XIII

Due very late 2008.

Eight Days

Due very late 2008.

Heavy Rain

Due very late 2008.


Due very late 2008.

The Agency

Due very late 2008.

Prediction (June 12th 2017)

Permanent pricedrop for both PS4 Slim and PS4 Pro in October.

PS4 Slim $249 (October 2017)

PS4 Pro $349 (October 2017)