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Nah Im not. Though it takes a lot for me to actually sleep with someone. I was 17 when I lost it and I had been with the girl for 2 years. We stayed togather till I was 19 and we where going to get married until nothing but drama surronded us and we where to young and confused with all the stress to know how to handle it right.

Funny thing is after ten years of us of both being ashamed and confused about the whole situation. We have started talking again. No plans to get back togather but at least we got to fill some closure and let each other know exactly what was going on with us at the time. I was always told your first relationship is your best. I have to agree cause though I have loved someone a lot since her, its never been as strong and I would still help her in anyway I can.


Its cheesy but I could not have picked a better person to have lost it too. I dont regert it at all and am happy that we shared that with each other.