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chocoloco said:
trasharmdsister12 said:

 Glad to be part of the group if you'll have me.

As for what's on my mind... stress! So much to do and I'm lacking motivation. I just want to be done with university at this point. It's been the 5 most draining years I could have imagined and I'm at the brink of my ability to push on with something I care so little about. Why won't it just end!?

I see your a senior, I can hardly think of one I have meet that has not lost motivation near the end. I have too and am taking a full load when I only need one class to pass so I share your feelings of not wanting to continue. I have gone six yours due to the fact that I insisted on having two majors. It is hard to say if I regret it now, I probably will not in the end.

The only thing I can think about that might push you on is knowing that semesters fly by like they were dreams and that in all, that after five years you will have compleated your goals and did not give in to apathy and stress.

I was actually motivated straight up until the last day of class, but that was because right down to the wire i was neck and neck for being ranked 2nd in my class academically. 1st and 2nd got to speak at graduation, 3rd did not, so i fought like hell and got it (mostly because the other guy did start to lapse into senioritis).

On topic: Got some money from my Grandma's modest (~$300) lottery winnings. Going to buy a 15" TV that i can bring with me to Japan for Wii and over-the-air anime.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.