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I finished the single player campaign. Although it was short (just 4h 15m adding up all the chapter times) there was never a dull moment. There's no filler content at all, lots of variety in gameplay and locations.

My favourite levels are the ice level and the junkyard level. The swell of the ocean with the ice floating on it while you fly from oil rig to oil rig is absolutely beautiful. The lighting and sense of scale in the junkyard level are amazing.

The space level was gorgeous too, I wouldn't have minded if it had lasted a bit longer. The end credits deserve a mention too, that's how it should be done. I immediately fired up the end credits again to have it blast through the speakers.

The story and the acting is the big weakpoint of the game and serves as a little more then a break to have a drink. The gameplay makes up for it. It just keeps building more and more intense until the end.

I'm ready to play the sp again and finish the co-op game we've got going.