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sapphi_snake said:
NotStan said:

To be honest. I don't feel like I am missing out much, if I do then I'll just end up going clubing every 2nd day to catch up on the years that I have apparently been "missing out". What really surprised me was the fact that a friend of mine got laid, and he looks like a potbellied pig.

@Joel, my school is not much different, here is a little recap of events that have happened:

  • There was a girl in my year that got it on with half of school football team, at the same time, she was 15 then.
  • There was another case where a 13 year old girl got caught in the toilet giving blowjob to a 16 year old guy
  • 15 year old girl got caught giving a bj to PE teacher, then it got found out that he groped his share of young girls. 
  • 17 year old guy at our school is pretty much a paedo in the making, slept with about 5 under 16s.
  • In my year alone 4 girls got pregnant before we finished school, so under 16s. In the year below mine before they finished school at least 7 got pregnant before then.
  • About 10 guys in the year below mine came out despite pretending to be homophobic before.
  • Sports excellence students at my school like to discuss their endeavours in regards to getting laid with girls that are younger than 16.

And that's just a tip of the Iceberg that is the sexual content at my school, stuff I remember from the top of my head, it's unbelieveable, also in UK age of consent is 16.

What's sexual abotu them coming out? It seems like this is the odd one out of your examples.

I think he was refering to when I have talked about my school. In my school their were quite a few openly gay people as well as Bi sexuals. Many here on VGChartz said I was making my school up because they did not believe that their was so many open gays and Bi's.

Also I was constantly hit on by both gays and Bi's. Many people thought I was gay and when ever I'd say I wasn't and use my faith as a reason I would get called a homophobe. Sure jocks still called some people fags but I was teased all the time for being a homophobe.

Though my friends who new me called me a Metro. But fact is there are schools where having sex is very easy infact its hard not to. Their are also schools where coming out is very acceptable and infact bisexuality is very common. I have three gays friends and at least one bisexual one, with another three or four which have had orgies with multiple men which they have admitted to screwing but said they were still straight, so I can't say for sure.

But their are liberal schools out their, infact the traditional school I went to between grades 9-11 (Repeated grade 11 at the inner city school) Even at that school everyone was getting laid.

I find it weird that so many VGChartz members went to conservative schools.


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer