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If it comes down to this, consider me a Crusader who gets his hands stained with the blood of fanboy wars and inminent and ever threatening bans for the sake of stating the unquestionable superiority of Sony in front of all the half-ass contenders that come to be Microsoft and Nintendo.

Preach on Popes, Cardinals, Bishops and Priests that, even though I have been there for Sony since the day of the Playstation (even before the PSOne) and was trained at enemy territory with the NES and SNES, I will support our cause by getting my hands dirty at close combat with the enemy.

May Sony continue its reign over the gaming world by providing quality, cuantity, diversity and the most solid efforts of proving that videogames are a form of art.

This is war and with us is the God of War and, with him, no battle will be lost.

Nintendo is selling their IPs to Microsoft and this is true because: