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Mummelmann said:
LivingMetal said:
AussieGecko said:
Reasonable said:

Don't be naughty!  As FPS they are clearly competing for the same demographic as you no doubt know.  The mass of PS3 owners who didn't buy KZ3 are just as likely to be the demographic who have zero interest in FPS and only buy RPGs or GT or whatever.

KZ3 cannablized Bulletstorm, it was always going to and I just don't understand what EA/Epic were thinking with that move (no pun intended).

For Bulletstorm to do better on PS3 it either needed a lot of PS3 FPS players to pony up for two full price titles at the same time in the same genre (which was always asking too much IMHO) or chose the new IP that's multiplatform from a developer generaly viewed as MS centric who made some comments about messing with Sony exclusives over a proven exclusive FPS franchise that was the butt of the comments (which I also think was always asking too much even if the developer was actually the People can Fly folks and not the traditional Epic crew).

In short, EA/Epic blew the launch on PS3.  Shame really, it's a fun little title judging by the demo and I did rather like Painkiller back in the day.

they are totally and utterly different style. Bulletstorm is almost a new way of doing fps' while Killzone 3 is the old standard story line etc w/ purrrdy graphics

But several here have compared Forza to Gran Turismo which are two different style racing games so whatever.

Actually, comparing racing games across the 360 and PS3 as platforms, Forza and GT are the most similar racing games you'll ever find. They share visual style, soundwork, content, features, mechanics, similar physics engine, car roster, tracks, effects and fans. The shortcomings in the physics of Forza 3 is mostly due to it being older and being in development for a much shorter time. Forza and GT really aren't two different styles, they even aim to be equal so your analogy works rather poorly in this context I'm afraid.

As far as style and mechanics go, Forza and GT are a whole lot more similar than Killzone and Bulletstorm. It would be more fair comparing Ridge Racer 7 to Forza or GT, where one is stylized and over-the top and the other is more sophisticated and realistic.

AussieGecko; Killzone and Bulletstorm have basically the same demographic and one is exclusive, there was never any doubt that Killzone would one-up Bulletstorm. Besides, Epic games aren't really at home on PS consoles like they are on MS consoles, look at Unreal Tournament 3 for instance, moved only 100k less on the 360 despite being PS3 timed exclusive for a whole year. Compare that to the PS3 versions of Mass Effect 2 and Bioshock which were 360 (and PC) first and then arrived on PS3, the 360 version of Bioshock moved well over three times as much and the PS3 version of ME2 is at roughly 1/10 of the 360's total sales after some time and won't stand a chance of ever crossing 750k imo. Multiplats simply move better on the 360 and Epic games aren't nearly as big in the PS3's best markets nor on the console and among the users themselves. I must admit that I didn't expect the Bulletstorm numbes to be quite as low as they are for the PS3 but that just shows the damage Killzone 3 has done shortterm.

I respect your analysis, reasoning, and explanation.  Thank you.