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I really do think people are looking at this situation the wrong way to be honest.  Lots of users in here are overlooking the fact of how much more buzz this game would have generated being a console exclusive on the 360.  It would have Epics name written on it who 360 fans already support and love with Shadow Complex and Gears of War.  It's a FPS which does massive numbers on the console.  And it would have generated FAR more hype due to the competition it would have had being a direct exclusive competitor with Killzone.

Exclusives really get the fanbase excited and Epic is obviously one of 360 fans favorite developers.  In this case there isn't a question in my mind being an exclusive the game would have at the very least done a quite larger first week.  And rarely do I say that but in this case I'm sure of it.  In fact I think it would have quite easily done 500k on the 360 first week at least.  There is no large scale 360 exclusive in the 1st half of the year and that would have given it even more momentum.