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sapphi_snake said:
Joelcool7 said:

Sapphi confession only exists in a few denominations of Christianity. In Christianity you must turn from your sin and repent. You can't just keep on sinning and not do anything about it, that would be hypocritical which I sense from talking to you is one of the reasons you strongly dislike Christianity.

Being gay is not a sin, having sex with another man/woman is a sin. In the same way a straight guy wants to have sex before marriage. Its not a sin to want its a sin to do so.

Then you mention homosexuality being put in the same catagory as theivery, but your forgetting gluttony. Over eating is just as much a sin as homosexuality. Its all sin even claiming to be righteous is a sin. No man is without sin.

As for all gays going to hell. I don't think all of them will. As I said in another reply that is up to God not myself, yourself or anyone else. I sin every day usually that I know of , however I try very hard not to and when I notice I am doing so I repent. If a homosexual has sex with another man and is truly repentant tries his hardest not to but falls again. Who am I to judge? God will see if the man is truly repentant, he will see if the man is a true follower of his word.

Actually, what I strongly dislike about Christianity is its illogical restrictions, and the "morality" it promotes.

There's no logical reason why homosexuality should be considered wrong. To put homosexuality in the same category as thievery, or even gluttony, is insulting.

Why should a homosexual repent for having sex with someone of the same sex? Why was that act so terrible that you have to regret it or either you are tortured for eternity? Why should a homosexual declare that he/she regrets being with a person of the same sex that he/she possibly loved greatly?

For that matter why should someone who is heterosexual regret that they had sex before marriage? What's so terrible about that that it warrants being put together with murderers and thieves and thrown in hell

So what you think Gluttons and liars are worse then someone who sleeps around with tons of people? What about those who lust (Simply having sexual thoughts about someone and coveting that person) is that worse then having sex with people outside of marriage or within your own gender?

Your walking on thin ice, they are all sins and to think that any of them is better or worse then one another in God's eyes is totally off base. As long as someone admits to doing wrong asks God's forgiveness and tries not to recommit these sins they are saved.

All laws and rules in the Bible are their for a reason. Even the old testiment law that one should not eat Pork or any non-split hoofed animal. Pork and single hoofed animals aren't healthy for you. Woola a reason for them being sin. Having sex outside of marriage causes many problems for both men and women. As such its a sin. Homosexuality can hurt many people including the homosexual hence why it is a sin.

Every sin in the Bible is so because it is not good. Gluttony, I over eat alot and guess what I'm gaining tons of weight and am getting sick etc... Hence why it says in the Bible not too.

The laws of the Bible are their to guide people and protect them. All of the laws are good for you , regardless of whether you agree or disagree.

What harm can abstinance till marriage do? What harm can not having sex with another man do? No STD's no unwanted babies. Please come up with something bad that happens by not having sex outside of marriage or homosexual sex.

Fact is the Bible's laws are all for our own good, and again your "Be thrown in hell statement" like I said all people who choose to not follow the teachings and believe in Jesus will all go to hell. It doesn't matter which sins you commited, if you fail to see your sins and you fail to accept forgiveness from those sins then you go to hell. Sorry to be so straight forward but its true.


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