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sapphi_snake said:
RageBot said:
Joelcool7 said:


If you choose not to have sex out of moral basis and you abstain you should be really proud especially if you made it through HighSchool. Everyone and I mean everyone was/is having sex and the choice to not have sex goes against our western culture. To stand up against peer pressure, your hormones etc...etc... thats something to be proud of.

That's not right dude :P

There are many pepole who never had the chance to have sex in high school, even if they wanted to.


Man at the schools I went to everyone was having sex. A chick who was morbidly obese one of the worst looking chicks I've ever seen got Herpes. I was so shocked, then all my female friends started getting pregnant and all my guy friends got laid. According to my friends its very easy. They tell me all you need to do is go to a club get plastered and almost any girl will sleep with you. They are constantly inviting me to go clubbing with them and get laid.

I myself was invited to a Catholic Orgy in high school. This also shocked me , one of them approached me we had been friends in science class. He was like your Christian right. I was like yah. Then he said "A few of us are going to have a party tonight you wanna come", I told the guy I would and then he said their were gonna be a couple hot chicks and that they were gonna get it on. I was confused and he then told me it was an sex party and only Christian's were invited. I knew the guy was Catholic and I asked him why they would be doing something like that, he was like "We just confess in confession, do hail marry's and what ever the priest wants, then were good as new and when we have sex again we just confess and were good again". Long story short I turned him down.

But then again everyone seems to think my school was made up. Other topics I have posted in people have accused me of making up my school. But I'll be honest it was the most fucked up inner city school out their. Very sexual place!


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