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I remember months ago I was irritated when I saw the few additions GG was making to KZ3's multiplayer/gameplay. Not nearly as much for my sake as for the sake of KZ3's sales. If they want to sell their game, they need to load their multiplayer with massive amounts of content. I thought they would've learned that by now. FPS's sell bc of their multiplayer primarily. KZ's multiplayer is really well done, but the amount of modes - including coop - are lacking.

The second thing GG would be wise to do imo would be do cut back on the violence and swearing in the next one. Shooting ppl? Okay, yeah that's in every game and ppl have become desensitized to it. But, stabbing someone in the eye with a knife, putting your fingers through someone's eyes, etc., is just not gonna fly with many ppl. Some ppl like it I know; but, you can live without it, can't you? On the opposite end, if that stuff is in there, there will be many potential KZ fans (namely kids and adolescents) out there that will never have a chance to play it bc of the over-the-top violence. Even I, as a 24 y/o guy, am turned off by the excessive violence. And I've talked to several other ppl my age who play every fps out there, yet also dislike the excessive violence in KZ3.

One reason Halo sells so well is bc of the amount of multiplayer content but also I think bc it keeps the violence and language to a minimum. So, it keeps the door open to all age groups, thus bringing in all the more sales. GG is alienating kids, adolescents, and, well...all the other people out there who want to play a fps and melee without gouging someone's eyes out with their fingers.

I just want to see Sony's first-party games succeed and sell like hot cakes; but I think GG needs to re-think their strategy if they want to grow their fan base and increase sales next time around.