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oldschoolfool said:
Soulblazer said:
crissindahouse said:
Soulblazer said:

 I am in the group that says fps rarely evovle in terms of gameplay, you say that rpgs are the same but thats not true at least not when it comes to how they play, they have different battle forms which makes them interesting. I have been playing fps for quite some time and most of them play the same, run shoot kill and repeat. Of course games like half life 2 and even vanquish prove that the genre can have new interesting ideas but there are few examples of that as most publishers go the easy way and copy call of duty instead of actually innovate in their games.

ok they have different battle forms but they won't get hundreds of new forms in the future so they don't evolve as well. you have round based battles, you have battles like in oblivion or 3rd person view battles like in da but what do you expect in the future?

its funny because if you change a shooter its not a shooter anymore so how should they change the gameplay? if you give the player more ways to play and more things to do they will call it rpg (like fallout 3)

the question is why is there so much hate because there isnt so much hate agains sport games or racing games and they cant change as well. they cant let you do other things in a football game then playing football and everyone knows that but in fps everyone is complainig about it that you just run and shoot. yeah its a shooter why should you do other things? and if you can do more than that no one calls it fps anymore. its just a big joke! put more in a shooter and you say rpg to it and dont put more in and you guys say fps dont evolve lol

Wrpg do not evolve that much but Jrpgs do evolve and only on my ds I have played plenty and each quite different than the next you just have to see The World Ends With You and youll see something truly special. You are right in the fact that its quite difficult to change how a shooter plays which is why the hate for the genre as it arguably the most popular genre but without real merits to gain that position as it cant evolve or chooses not to. It has become the easy way for many developers that in search for a form of gameplay they choose shooting because its always the same and it sells. The sports and racing games are not popular so they get a free pass but they have also become stagnant. I do not hate the genre itself, Halo was one heck of a good game and I am currently playing goldeneye on my wii but in the end its more of the same and I think developers can change that but they wont. I dont mean they have to change the shooting aspect of the game, but bringing other ideas to the table.

So because something is'nt popular it get's a free pass? Again,you can make the more of the same arguement in any genre. Level up,grind,fight enemies over and over,get better stuff,have character's talk to you over and over=RPG's in general. I think developers can change that but they won't. I don't mean they have to change the RPG aspect's of the game,but bringing other ideas to the table.

Yup if it isnt popular it gets a pass, it sucks but thats how it is. Sorry about the more of the same argument but lets face it applies to the shooting genre when it comes to raw gameplay and not conventions of the genre. I play call of duty modern warfare and black ops and it plays the exact same as medal of honor and many other shooters with little to no variation. Then I go play The world ends with you and chrono trigger and theres a massive difference when it comes to gameplay. Yes you can say its something true to the genre and it if it changes it isnt a shooter anymore so it leaves me thinking that the shooter genre is just like hack and slash games with the difference that one gets high scores and the other one doesnt. An this is the point of view of someone that likes playing games to perceive different experiences, in gameplay and story so for me in the first cathegory shooters fall flat.