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AussieGecko said:


Then Sony needs to stop being compared to MS in their announcement to release schedule. They are different. Ms is known for their privacy, Sony not so much.

I can't think of a single core title they announced and also released in the same year last year. Well most of the Kinect games were announced at E3 so there are clear examples, Gunstringer was announced this year wasnt it? And it will be released pretty soon.

Sony and Ms have different release announcement to release schedules as I have mentioned already earlier in the post but this time I will properly state why. You yourself are trying to defend Sony's announcement to release BUT you are still to let us know when the Sony games were announced. A year later is a lot different to a few years later.

The fact that the Ms Xbox360 doesnt have a lot of retail exclusives console or otherwise in the first half of the year, bar Kinect games of course because they are getting released your arguments side just ignores them.

What I don't get is why people keep harping on about it. Its getting reeaaallll old. Without a games release it will not change, so you are adding no new arguments.

-_- man your post is all over the place there, not even sure if we are on the same topic anymore

Sony is known for leaks yes, but that is not what this argument is about at all. This is about exclusive game announcements. but then again what privacy? these days we get to know about a lot of major announcements from ms too but that's a whole different topic

both sony and ms announce games early and release them a year or so later, fact.

most of those games announced are core titles, and when I mean core I do not mean party games and such. Even sony announce and release such games in the same year, this year won't be an exception to that. No major game released aimed at the traditional gamer last year were announced in the same year. So far it's the same situation this year too. Only issue here is, Sony announced way way more titles in comparison. Maybe that's why you have this sony announces their stuff way earlier notion of yours. Just maybe they announced way more core titles than for the 360?

what kinect title, that caters even slightly to the hardcore base, on the 360 were released so far this year? Heck what NEW kinect games were released so far this year even?

again, all the main games we know so far in the 360 line up this year, we knew at least a year in advance. You can run around that point all day if you want but that won't change it one bit....the argument that gets old is this nonsensical notion that somehow ms always announce their games late compared to sony which is not true by any means. Even sony will announce and release some move games this year, just like MS will do with Kinect. Either way the point stands, the statement you made earlier is not true.

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