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Sales Discussion - EMEAA Up - View Post

Michael-5 said:

Wait what? For a second I thought that ratio was the total ratio of MW2 for 360 vs. PS3 in Americas.

The answer for the jump is simple. PS3 MW2 has a lot more hacking. I don't own MW2, but I played it on my friends 360 np, but on my other friends PS3, someone jumped through a wall and killed me...

I noticed that as soon as I started hearing about this hacking issue, MW2 PS3 sales crashed.

Maybe the hacking isn't that bad, but the timing is perfect. I think MW2 sales on PS3 dropped due to hacking.

For GT5? I was only implying that December shipment was meant to last. I did not know PD made quarterly shipments (or maybe they just announce shipped units quarterly, that makes more sence).

Also GT5 sold 5.5 million or so, so doesn't it make sence they shipped that much? They shipped 8 million Kinects for January 2011, and only at the end of January did sales surpass 8 million.

What are you trying to say? Shipped values are nothing good to go by, not all games sell what they ship. Kinect sold shipped units within a month, GT5 took 3 months. My only point was that on a weekly basis GT5 is selling about half as well as GT4, and because it's selling a lot worse, it's less likely to reach the sale sales level.

It's the ratio for yearly MW2 sales in America.  It's a pain in the ass now to check weekly sales if they are out of the top 40 since you can only see in 10k increments.  However it seems most of the MW2 hacking news is from mid January, and it seems to have been selling less than half since before then.

I never said Polyphony made quarterly shipments, I said they updated their list quarterly.  You were trying to say they haven't made any new shipments since December, and that they could potentially last through May.  You have no evidence to support this.  You seemed to be working off the fact that the last update was from the end of December, so thus they haven't shipped any more copies.

Like I said, a couple weeks ago all we knew was that it had shipped 5.5 million copies in 12 days.  Were you saying the same things about that number that you're saying about the 6.4 million figure?

This isn't a case like Fallout 3 shipping 4.7 million first week and then taking around a year to sell through that.  When you get regular updates on shipment numbers I would say they are a good thing to go by.  If one quarter sees no increase or a very small increase then it either means it has stopped selling or the previous quarter overshipped.  If they keep shipping out more copies then there is obviously still demand for it.  You seem to be acting like the numbers on VGC are 100% accurate and never change.  Just as an example, GT5's first week is 230,000 higher now than when it first went up.   Do you want to bet that when Polyphony updates the numbers for March 2011 they will be higher than they are now?