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Kasz216 said:
JamaicameCRAZY said:
Kasz216 said:
JamaicameCRAZY said:
Kasz216 said:
Killiana1a said:

I am going to go contrarian here because defending Geohotz is too easy. Using symbolism, which most college age, foam at the mouth progressives mistake for reality, Geohotz = poor, innocent individual and Sony = Big, greedy, bad multinational corporation.

Having paid due respect to symbolism and it's almost idiotic simplicity, let me tear a new one into Geohotz and all his sheep...excuse me, supporters.

Everything Sony creates is it's intellectual property. This is equivalent to you owning a house and going through all the necessary hoops to do whatever and build whatever you want on your own private property. Geohotz and his ilk are outsiders.

One night you go to sleep and wake up in the morning. You look out your sliding glass door and see 2 tents pitched in the middle of your backyard. Some trustafarian dude comes walking up to you as you step outside. He says he goes by the name of Geohotz, explains he found a hole in your fence, called a good friend, both climbed through, and are now residing on your property.

You give them the usual reply. Well, I hold the deed to this land, I pay the taxes on this land, etc. Please remove yourself from my premises.

Geohotz replies with a flat out no.

What do you do? Call the police to remove the squatters and fix the hole in your fence? Call the police to remove the squatters, fix the hole in your fence, and file a lawsuit against Geohotz and his friends to prevent them from doing it again?

Sony is attempting to do the latter. Their property is their domain where they are absolute king and emperor. In their mind if you participate on PSN, the PS3 you paid over $300 for is now under their domain so long as it connects to PSN, and they can release whatever firmware they want to change the internals of your PS3.

Folks like Geohotz have no respect for a concept called private property or intellectual property. They do because they can. The strong beat the weak. The only rule is to not be a sucker.

Now whose moral paradigm would you like to live under? Sony's where there are clear rules that are written out? Geohotz's and hackers where the strongest (smartest) do what they want, when they want, and to hell with the consequences?

A) Geohotz doesn't have a PSN account... apparently never has.

B) The one where people who own their property can do with their property what they wishde.  If Geohotz wanted the strongest to do what they want, when they want... he wouldn't of released it for everybody to use.

C) Intellectual Property shouldn't cover things like basic firmware.  Your car has firmware.  To say Sony should be able to do whatever they want with their firmware, is like saying GM should be able to do whatever they want with their firmware, like say... shut off your care a year after you pay for it.

Once a product is sold... that's it.  It's sold, as long as people aren't using the product for profit, they should be free to use it however they wish... with illegal uses of it like piracy being dealt with on the individual level.

tell me can you go throw 5,000 cans in the ocean because you just love the sound it make hitting the water? How about discharge a firearm in the air outside of your nearest courthouse at 2 AM? How about empty a barrel of oil all over your backyard because you think a black lawn is so much spiffyer than a green one?

I don't see your point?  You are talking about things that actually damage the enviroment and/or other people there with no benefit.

Versus something that mostly helps people and who's main purpose is to unlock hardware so that users can get the most legal use possible out of their hardware.

People are defending Sony, who are literally currently argueing in court right now, that as soon as your 1 year warranty is up, they have every right in the world to completely frag your system.

Which is exactly why hackers like this dude is needed.

NOTHING WILL CHANGE IF SONY WINS shit will go right back to where it was before dipstick came along!!!!!!! I am more afraid of what will happen if geo wins im mean jeeze what cant be hacked there goes every multiplayer out there because geo says its fine its 100% yours then sony and all the boys have to make it harder for people to and i have to deal with all the crap they come up with DRMS who knows what else they cook up.

You cant only say legal use too.

My whole point is you cant do those things you can do plenty of things in this world with the things you buy deal with it.

You can't do things with stuff you buy... that will harm other people or the enviroment.  That's about it.

As for your parnoid "what can't be hacked" comment.   See PC gaming?  The answer is basically, not much can be hacked or rather, shit can be hacked but it has almost no negatives lots of positives, and it doesn't really cause a problem.

You may have missed this Sony arguement.

"So, Your Honor, if the purchaser can have no expectation of the PlayStation 3 functioning at all after the expiration of that one-year warranty, how can it somehow have a greater expectation about the availability of one feature?"

In otherwords, after a year.  Sony feels they can remove anything/everything.  If this line of reasoning holds true, it means companies can basically break anything you "own" after a year, because they feel like it and want you to buy a new one.

Kinda like RROD, Kinda like the disk tray problems on ps2s, kinda like how orginal xboxs needed to be sent back to HQ every 6 months or so...Im mean seriously this is the 2011 people are so connected its rediculous if sony started effing people over everyone would hear about it and stop buying their shit. If Geo wouldnt have done this we wouldnt be having this discussion. It would be extremely detrimental for a company to remove all features and it would be very detrimintal if not suicide.  So let sony try something like this, any company for that matter and watch people speak with their wallets, which they will.

And calling me paranoid when your the one going on about sony removing everything in a year of ownership...yea thats not paranoid at all..they are talking about a limited warrenty on the hardware everything has this. Crappy car companies that pump out Crappy cars only warrenty their cars for 30k miles, i dont see you complaining about them, how would you like to spend 30 k to have your car start falling apart on you. Thing like this happen everywhere why cherrypick and complain about this one?



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