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Quote : "In the end of 2009, Hotz announced his efforts to hack the Sony PlayStation 3, a console widely regarded as being the only fully locked and secure system of the seventh generation era. Hotz opened a blog to document his progress, and five weeks later, on January 22, 2010, he announced that he had successfully hacked the machine by enabling himself read and write access to the machine’s system memory and having hypervisor level access to the machine’s processor. Hotz also detailed the many things his work could allow, such as homebrew and PlayStation 2 emulation (a feature removed by Sony in newer revisions of the console to tackle production costs)."


So why exactly what he hacking a platform supporting Linux to run homebrew ?

Coudn't he instead write his homebrew on Linux ?

 PS : And if the answer is that Linux on PS3 was a PoS, why complain about it's removal ? ( and seeing how the US army and others labs are using it I don't think it can be considered to be a PoS..)

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !