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Thats it, nothing will ever beat it, I've reached the maximum limit of how good a trailer can make me feel and I don't think I'll be able to recover.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I had my doubts, but I can now say that The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim will be the greatest game ever developed and every other title after it's release will be shamed into obscurity because of how lame their attmpts were in trying to stack up against Skyrim. Bioware has now become irrelevant and they will never develop a game that will even come close to the quality of the next Elder Scrolls game. Bethesda have now become gods and with a single trailer, have out done every single game that's been developed, has been in development, will be in development or has ever been a concept in a developers mind.

I cried tears. I haven't cried in nine years and that was when I snapped my ankle. Bethesda made me cry with a single trailer and I can only imagine that I'll have an emotional break down once I finish the game. Everyone can just stop trying now, it's over.

Bet with Conegamer and AussieGecko that the PS3 will have more exclusives in 2011 than the Wii or 360... or something.