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Seems to me people think because they have the name "hacker" means they must have been up to no good pirating and what not. So they think Sony are doing good by catching these people.

But that isn't the case at all. These guys are honest and open about what they do and what they do is for private use, they haven't released anything.

In contrast other companies actually support this work. Look at whats happened with Kinect. All those hacks for it that people came up with. You don't see Microsoft beating down some dudes door taking away his Kinect dancing robot because that wasen't what the device was designed for! You don't see Android beating down all the doors of the people who create stuff for its open source network.

The reason why Sony are getting a beating in the media and on all the other games websites is because it boils down to freedom of using your product. That is what the case is about and what the courts will decide on. Wether you own your product or not. If you buy something you don't have the right to do anything to it. It must be left in the state you bought it. This could have massive reprecussions for gamers. Have you swapped your harddrive? Do you install custom mods to games? Do you maybe use a cheat? etc etc.

So pretty much those defending it are saying "if i pay £400 for a console i don't think i should own it, it should still be owned by the manafacturer. I am not allowed to alter it or change anything at all. And if i do i can go to jail or get a fine".

Which is just stupid.