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1) See Barry Bonds trainer who is in jail (I think still) for not ratting out Barry Bonds. Paying someone really well to be a lackey and a scapegoat really can and will happen. People will risk 2 years in Jail if it means they get to make a lot of money.

2) I still don't see how this prevents them from taking this out... at first for an exception for say... war victims, or single mothers etc.

3) So goods going outside of the country don't have the fair tax applied to them. Sounds like another good way to avoid the fair tax. Make the products here, then sell them in a corporation created in a country with a favorable rate and then ship them back when people buy them online, now at the lesser agreed opon rate.

Or just say they're being shipped overseas when a third of the listed shipments are being sold in the stores.

4) This doesn't prevent people from misstating it's value.

5) I sure hope they fix the Social Security Administration then... as they already do a really inadequete job with what they have now. It took us forever to get my grandma's SS right.

6) So the Fair tax is also a Gift Tax if you make what is being given.

6a) So does that mean lumber isn't part of the fair tax. IE lumber i would buy and other construction matierals, like say glue etc.

6b) If these items are being taxed isn't that penalizing really small buisnesses AKA people who buy things from places like Office Max and sell there crafts online.