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Here are the 8 claims he's being sued on, copied from engadget (comments are theirs as well).

  • Violating §1201 of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, which forbids bypassing access control measures;
  • Violating the federal Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, which forbids accessing computers without authorization;
  • Guilty of contributory copyright infringement for encouraging and helping others to crack PS3s as well;
  • Violating the California Computer Crime Law, which is the state computer fraud act (think of this as a backup fraud claim);
  • Violating the PlayStation Network's Terms of Service (which feels meaningless, really);
  • Interfering with Sony's relationships with other PSN customers (also meaningless);
  • Trespassing on Sony's ownership right to the PS3 (this one feels weak) and;
  • Misappropriating Sony's intellectual property (another weak argument, but there in case the copyright argument fails).