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fordy said:
Ail said:

And in the end Sony is a business so they will push back that cost to users ( they could decide to charge for PSN for example if keeping it cheater free is too much of a hassle..).

I'll say it again. Anyone who figured only client-side security on a multiuser online environment was a good idea has something wrong in the head.

They didn't really have a choice 5 years ago.

Heck as soon as any single player gamer requires an internet connection you can see the uproar of all the a little kiddies that go on vacations on desert island and can't play their games there.

I doubt next gen will follow the same pattern.

Actually I wouldn't be surprised if the main difference between this gen and next gen are the security features on the consoles instead of a huge hardware upgrade.

And despite all the bitching and moaning the majority of customers there days have gotten used to purchasing an Ipad for example and only running software they download from the AppStore...

And in an era where even TV starts to require internet connections, there will be some bitching and moaning but the silent majority won't care at all..

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !