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Ail said:

Enough with the homebrew already...

Everything you can write and run on a PS3 as homebrew will run on a PC too and probably better and faster.

And you actually need a PC to develop a homebrew app ( because there are no commercially available development tools for the PS3).

So every single one of those guys that claim they wanted to hack the PS3 to run homebrew app can run exactly the same apps on their PC.

So the only reason to really hack the machine is piracy and running mods that reduce others players online experience...

Any data you would ever want to store can be done better and faster using a USB stick. The only reason for DVD burners and DVD-Rs to exist is for pirating movies. All DVD burners and recordable media needs to be removed from store shelves immediately.

If there is ANY legal use stemming from what he released, in the US court it does not matter that someone else used it in a way that was not intended for doing something illegal.