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hehey said:

the only person being fed propaganda is you, since apparently you think Sony wants to be able to take brick your Ps3 for no reason and take your PS3 away after you buy it and force to buy other things. Really?, thats what this case is about?, here i was thinking this is a fight againt haking, i dunno, they are suing a hacker for haking, where could i possibly have gotten taht idea.

The "root" of this cheating is the hackers that enable it, tahts what should be attacked.

The case determines Sony's right to control of power over purchased items. It doesn't matter if you spent the money on it, Sony still want control of it.

This is the current case with software. You cannot technically OWN a game. You are merely licensing the right to use it. Sony wants this to extend to hardware as well. That is what this case is about.