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hehey said:
fordy said:
hehey said:
fordy said:
hehey said:
fordy said:
hehey said:

I dont use pirated or hacked sofware so i dont have anything to worry about. 

Answer the question.

Would you give Sony complete control of your PS3, effectively terminating you as the owner, in order to finish piracy?

Seeing as how it would be no different whatsover than how it is now, yeah i would, there wouldnt be any cheaters or pirates and i would still be able to install and play uncharted or final fantasy games or anything else that wasntr pirated or hacked. I play by the rules so i have nothing to worry about.

You dont sacre me with your exagerations and conspiracy theories.

Nothing would change from where the PS3 was before these hacker jerks showed up.

Except that Sony owns your PS3, which they could do the following to:

1. Brick it for no reason whatsoever.

2. Take it away from you if they believe you're not using it the way they want.

3. Force you to buy Sony propietary hardware to work with it.


Corporate control over the hardware that you buy is a BAD thing. Public order can still be maintained from their PSN servers, while still keeping the freedom to own the hardware that you buy, and do what you like to it.

Nowhere in this course case has sony ever gione after any of the rioghts you mention, this fight is againt hackers and hackers alone.


like i said, your doiomsday exagerations and corporate conspiracy theory's dontr scare me.

Sony isn't all sweet and innocent, you know.

Read up on the DRM Rootkit scandal. Sony are DICTATING how you are allowed to use your music.

Maybe it's just me, but being rectally fed corporate propaganda isn't my thing.

For the 5th time or so, do not go after a losing battle. Push Sony to build a stronger server-side security system. Cheaters will cheat no matter what you say. The only way to stop this is to get to it at it's root, on the online community.

the only person being fed propaganda is you, since apparently you think Sony wants to be able to take brick your Ps3 for no reason and take your PS3 away after you buy it and force to buy other things. Really?, thats what this case is about?, here i was thinking this is a fight againt haking, i dunno, they are suing a hacker for haking, where could i possibly have gotten taht idea.

The "root" of this cheating is the hackers that enable it, tahts what should be attacked.

hacking your own property  is illegal?