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I've started to notice that I barely bother trying to finish long games these days, as they usually end up being a chore unless they have a decent story and an upgrade system. Dead Space, Bioshock, F.E.A.R., God of War 3, Bayonetta, Enslaved, Heavy Rain, Halo Reach and Alan Wake are the perfect games for me, as I'm guranteed to finish them all within the 8 to 12 hour mark and feel completely satisfied with the experience. I was playing Lords of Shadow recently and that game dragged so badly, I enjoyed it for like the first 6 hours and then it just became a chore to play due to it's linear progression and silly plot. 

RPG's are the exception though. I put well above 20 hours into Dragon Age, Oblivion, Fable 2, Fallout 3, Dead Rising 2, Yakuza 3 and Infamous (not an RPG), because I could control the outcome of those games and they all had some excellent progression and story lines (maybe not Dead Rising and Fable).

I haven't got time to waste on something that may be cool for 5 hours, but then loses it's spark one third into the game.

Bet with Conegamer and AussieGecko that the PS3 will have more exclusives in 2011 than the Wii or 360... or something.