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thismeintiel said:

I still wonder in amazement at people who feel digital distribution will become the standard within a decade or 2.  We have had the internet and downloadable mp3s for over a decade, yet CDs are still produced to this day and they came out in the 80's.  If anything DD and Blu-ray will co-exist.  Bluray will be used by most for buying movies and will most likely be used in one form or another in gaming consoles nex gen.  And DD will be mostly used for rentals and smaller Live/PSN games, like it is today.  If you look at the sales of DVD plus Blu-ray vs. DD, you'll see that the majority of people prefer physical formats.  Not the oppisite, as you suggested.

Decade or 2... really? Dvd's beat vhs in less time than Blu-ray is still struggling with DVD. CD sales are also very much down and ITunes charts are now quite common even though not everyone uses Itunes. Right now the majority is physical yes, but to say even in 2 decades it wont take over? Come on man thats rubbish.

The cold hard fact is DD doesn't match the quality of video and sound of a Blu-ray for movies.  It may say 720p or 1080p, but it is still more compressed than the info found on a Blu-ray.  Granted it is getting better, but it still leaves the another thing stopping DD from completely taking over, internet speeds.  There is over 40 % of people in the US who do not have a form of high speed internet in their homes.  They are not going to want to download HD movies for hours, maybe even days.  And if nearly half of US is lacking high speed internet, then the numbers have to be much smaller in the smaller countries around the world.  Of course, you will always have people, like me, who prefer owning a physical copy of their game.  No worrying about your HDD crashing and/or the compnay providing said content going out of business when you wish to redownload your movies/games.

HAHAHH what.. digital doesnt match Blu-ray... wtf... dude seriously I am concerned Blu-rays are running a digital file, thus Blu-ray will never outdo digital, there are poorer digital yes, but there is also better. You can find shocking blu-rays as well, ever heard of ghostbusters.

Its also easier to carry much more movies in a smaller area. Hence Digital distribution becoming more and more common.

And Blu-ray is definitely a better tech than DVDs.  All Blu-rays are covered in a scratch resistant coating for added protection.  A Blu-ray also reads more data per sec than a DVD (36 Mbits/s vs. 10.5 Mbits/s).  This means the disc can spin at a lower speed, but read more info quickly, resulting in lower heat output and energy usage.  Also, a DVD is a variable speed format, so it actually reads at different speeds throughout the disc and its max speed is mostly never realized.  Blu-ray, on the other hand, reads at a constant speed throughout the entire disc.  Here's a graph to compare the speed improvements. 

Not saying Blu-rays as a whole are better than the 360, this topic is out-future proof and as far of dvds vs blu-ray in xbox vs ps3, xbox wins. end of. Is Blu-ray quicker? Yes, is PS3's bluray quicker? No.

As you can see, if a console has a 3x drive, it would hold its own against a 12x DVD player.  My guess it that the PS4 will have a 4x,6x, or even 8x Blu-ray drive.  This will allow games to have large amounts of content, while also helping eliminate load times.  With the next gen consoles pumping put out even more graphical and audio content in each game, this space and speed is going to be required.  You would be quite foolish to believe anyone is going to stick with DVD next gen.  Not only would they look outdated, but no one will put up with a mandatory 2-3 DVDs required for each game.  And that would be just as foolish as going DD only.  No one will want to keep swapping out HDD's every few games they play.  And then what happens if your HDD crashes and that content is no longer available online?  Gone forever.

We are not talking about the PS4 we are talking about the PS3 thus faster blu-rays dont come into it. Not saying DVD I am saying another format though, they wont necessarily jump the ship to blu-ray. What happens if your blu-ray breaks and you can no longer purchase the blu-ray... same same... don't think you can use some of your logic for one but not for the other. Oh and "Gone forever"

Also, where in the world did you get the idea MS makes money off of Blu-ray?  If that was the case, don't you think they would have supported by now, and definitely instead of HD-DVD?

They own codecs, so they get licenses, do research, I have stated that MS owns the codecs simply by going to wikipedia, If you want the links i can quickly bing them again.


Bet with Conegamer and Doobie_wop