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EDIT: The title said RB/GH -related, but it got cut off... Sorry :(

Long story short: I want to get the ultimate GH/RB hybrid (or 2 seperate games) on my PC without knowing too much technical info (I know a bit, but I don't know how I to do this per-say)

Ok, I have been thinking about this for a few days. I have almost all of the Guitar Hero games (III & Aero on Wii, and WT, SH, Metallica, HV, & 5) on my Xbox, and I have Rock Band 1 (exported) and Rock Band 2.I have several songs downloaded for both franchises, about $50 in DLC on both, but no duplicates (although many exist), my priority has been mainly on GH to be honest.

If you don't believe me I can have my brother back home take a pic of all of them and I can post it here. I'm not trying to gain anything I don't already own ALTHOUGH I'M SURE SOME PEOPLE IN HERE WILL FLAME ME FOR "PIRATING"; and I only intend to do songs that are already in GH or RB, so I wouldnt' be making any new charts or lip syncs or anything.

Now that GH is done for, I don't want to repurchase all of the songs that I can for rock band, and it's always bugged me that some songs could never be transferred over (Freak on a Leash by KoRn is an example)... and I've seen people put custom songs in GHIII for PC, but after III, there was no new guitar hero or Rock band on PC, and I know about Frets on Fire, in which I could import all of those songs, but I like the sleek interface, actual characters moving, customizable, and such like in Guitar Hero and Rock Band. I like there to be something to look at when I'm not playing >.<

Here's the main question: Does anyone have any knowledge on how I could put all of the songs that I have from my games in Guitar Hero 5 or Rock Band 3, Emulated through Dolphin or some other emulator in one Guitar Hero/Rock Band game (or 2 for one of each)? I'm looking for a guide for it or something. It shouldn't be too hard as they seem to do it fairly easily with each new addition to each series... I just don't know how it would be done...

I don't care about online play that much, I mean I like the 4v4 option, but it's not that big of a deal, but I absolutely HATE switching discs, or having to tell people "sorry, that song isn't on this disc", etc. And I hate how some songs are stuck on games that dont' have certain features, like Party Play mode in GH5, or even enabling wireless mics on GHWT. GH/RB is a game that me and my family play whenever we get together, it is our "thing" to do... and this would make the whole experience a lot more fun...

I really just want to make it so I can have all of my guitar hero/Rock Band songs (Which I paid an exhorbant amount of money for) in one place, without it looking and feeling like a cheesy version like FretsOnFire. I feel really screwed over that Activision is cancelling GH, and that there is no way to get any of the songs that I have and paid for to transfer over to Rock Band.

Thanks in advance for any information. I know this will be tough to answer if not impossible :(