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Michael-5 said:
Demonslayersoultaker said:
Michael-5 said:

Didn't count PSN games because I don't really pay attention to XBL, or PSN games, and I don't even really consider them full out games.

Dead Island was listed on Wikipedia as a 360 exclusive way back, and it's still on the list of 360 exclusives, but Gears 3 is still set for an April 2011 release date there too so :-/

I moved Demons of Mercy and Dungeon Hero to 2012, still 16 to 19 games. Codename D is TBA 2011 on IGN. As for Project Draco, I've heard it's planned to be a 2011 title, but I dunno.

Also, like I said, a lot of those games on the PS3 list will not make it to Americas/EMEAA by 2011, if at all. Yakuza: Of the End, FF Versus XIII, White Knight Chronicles 2, Disgaea 4, Trinity, Ar tonelico, Record of Agarest War 2 (hasn't even made it over, and 1 is multiplatform), Atelier Totori, Tales of Xilla, Ni no Kuni, Disaster Report 4, Tokyo Jungle, Samari Warriors 3Z, Way of the Samarai 4 (3 was a timed exclusive), Bleach: Soul Ignition, and Ape Escape. These 16 games, have either a confirmed 2012 release date, no release plans outside of Japan, or in the case of Way of the Samari 4, not even confirmed exclusives.

Recounting that list, I only have 18 PS3 games since Ape Escape has no set release date.

So my math is fine, 16 vs 18, not a big difference.

Wow you make ALOT of baseless assumptions, first your basic math is off 35-16 is 19 not 18, second Trinity is already out in NA, Disgaea 4 and Ar tonelico, have a 2011 release date and Atelier Totori 2 and White night chronicles 2 both came in out in 2010 in japan and their predecesors came out in a time frame that would allow both the games to be out in 2011 if they followed it not to mention that if I cut games off your list because they might end up or ps3 or don't have a confirmed release date you'd be down to 5 you are being very biased in the way you are handling it, you are cutting ps3 games for things which you ignore 360 games for and I said gears exile, the kinect gears, not the actual gears game 

EDIT you also counted the halo remake but ignored the 3 ps3 remakes 

18 1 port (ICO Collection). So my math is right.

hm.. well look at that, i made a few mistakes. I saw Disgaea's Japan release date and assumed a 1 year delay time. Trinity just came out, and Ar Tonelico is Q2 2011. So I made 3 mistakes, I'll add them in.

But on IGN, Atelier Totori 2 is TBA, not TBA 2011, so it still doesn't count. White Knight Chronicles 2 is also TBA on IGN, so you making just as many mistakes as me too.

and don't bring in the timed exclusive debate, a few of ps3 games also become timed exclusives. Record or Agarest War 2, Way of the Samarai, and FF Versus XIII all have either a good or decent chance to be timed exclusive. Not all exclusive 3rd party titles become timed exclusive, and either way were talking about exclusives for 2011, which they still will be.

Al the 360 games have a 2011 realese date, except for Project Draco.

I'm doing thos very non-biased, I didn't look into every single game, sorry, but the point still stands. MS has about as many exclusives as PS3. Remember MS announces games very late, it's likely that MS will announce a few more titles at E3 2011, or maybe in the next couple months. I mean Gears 2 was announced February the year of release, and Forza 3 was in May of the same year. I only have Halo included because it's strongly believed to be a 360 title this year, that or at least Halo Kinect (which MS has a domain name reserved).

The Halo remake is also not a direct port. ICO collection is an HD port, thats different. Halo will have multiplayer and new levels, something Halo 1 didn't have, ICO collection will be the exact same 2 games rendered in 1080p.

5 games for 360, common, that's just insulting. Who are you trying to prove? There are more then 5 Kinect games comming out as exclusives. I'm editing the list with your suggestions, you don't need to undermine me.

I also forgot to include Body and Brain Kinect, and the First Templar, so I must be biased....typical, anything pro 360 on this thread gets labeled "biased."

Either way in the end, 21 PS3 games, 17 360 games. Considering it's still February that number may balance by years end. PS3 does not have more software support then 360, and I'm sorry, but 360 is looking to have a stronger year selling consoles.

BTW Is Michael Phelps 360 exclusive? It's listed for 2011, but I dunno if it's exclusive. It's a Kinect game.

No it isn't I counted ICO collection in collections NOT disk based games another wrong assumption and I didn't make any mistakes I said WHK2 and Atelier Totori 2 will come out in 2011 if they take the same amount of time as their originals you should read what I type more carefully and if you aren't going to count them then take off all the games on the 360 list that aren't TBA 2011 (project draco is TBA I just looked it up) same with Steel Batallion: Heavy Armor and the halo remake it's rumored 2011 not confirmed and theres probably more if you look at everyone of them on the list and theres no proof halo remake will have new levels or use a different code in the multiplayer and the ICO collection is alot more then an HD port 

Yes the 5 was an exaguration but you are not doing this non-biasedly you are looking for any excuse to take away ps3 titles and used rumored and TBA 360 games and I love how you just assume no1 is going to come out with more ps3 games but they will 360 games, and ps3 games will get delayed but 360 games won't even without an official annoucement

No 360 really doesn't there are still about 10 games that can go either way that you counted out for ps3 and about 5 of them that you counted for 360 that might not come out and again your math was off and your counting a halo remake which is a rumor and none of the ps3 collections, that sounds biased to me nevermind the fact that most of the games are kinect 3rd party shovelware which will likely get a counter part on wii or move just because thats what those companies usually do 

EDIT: I also read somewhere that haunt is a xbl game not a disk one, what do you know