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You can have sex with the Asari Consort.

Complete the Turian General quest as she asks, and settle his request with the Elcor Diplomat.

Once you do this, go back to the Consort, and when she gives you the special trinket, use the Renegade option "Is That All?" to trigger the scene. Not as good as Liara/Ashley if you like nudity and such, but it's there.

If you are a female, you can make sweet passionate sex with Kaiden, from what I've heard.

You can get both Ashley and Liara as an option near the end of the main quests, as they both confront you, and both is an option. However, from what I've heard, they will fight over you, and you wind up getting neither.

Here's hoping Tali is a do-able character later on for DLC. Or atleast the chance to see what Quarians are like without the suits.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.