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PS3 has lost more money than any other console.   Just look at the IR data from Sony and MS and consider what attributes those figures and it's quite clear that the PS3 has lost more money than any other console in history.

Here is a factor to consider.  Each game divsion has several products that attribute to the profit and loss of that division.  If a division posts a $2 billion loss yet still houses some very profitable products, then that means one or more of the other products is actualy creating losses far worse than the final total.   For example.  $2 billion total loss.  $4 billion loss from Console X and $1 billion profit from Console Y and $1 billion profit from Console Z. 

We can only speculate the exact figures in those reports because it's never broken down by device (unless you are Nintendo).   But we can extrapolate fgiures based on known profits from products Y and Z to estimate what the total losses are for product X.

I don't have time to do the research at the moment but I will soon.  And I am confident it will show that the PS3 has lost more money than the Xbox or Xbox 360.

The rEVOLution is not being televised