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Michael-5 said:
Demonslayersoultaker said:
Michael-5 said:
K, Wiki had Dead Island as a 360 exclusive, but on the page itself it says PS3 too. I didn't get to look into every one of these games.

Which 2011 360 titles do you not think will be released in 2011? MS doesn't have a history of delaying games, and most of those games have set release dates.

Wait, what 50 games for PS3? Thats overexageratted. I looked at your link, it was like 30, 30 - 10 = 20, well 19 to be exact here.

A lot of those 360 games, are Kinect games, they can't go multiplatform, and the only rumored game is Halo: Combat Evolved, and the reason it's on the list is because 343 Studios promised a Halo every year. Gears of War Exile is a registered game, and there is a lot of talk about it being released in 2011. It may be a 2012 title, but it's hardly enough to say that many of the 360 games on that list will be pushed back to 2012. I beleive everyting on that list has a 2011 release date, except Demons of Mercy and Dungeon Hero, so I can move those to 2012 then.

Sony has a history of delaying games, MS is known not to even announce games until very late. So I don't think anything from MS (Firefly Studios, Kinect exclusives, 343 Studios, etc) will be delayed. I think except for Dead Island, thats a very detailed and accurate list. 16 vs. 19 isn't a big difference, and we dunno what MS and Sony will announce at E3 this year.

I heard on another site that I just is coming to ps3 recently so I'm guessing it was annouced as a 360 exclusive and even though MS doesn't have a history of releasing games you are ignoring that fact that MS isn't behind alot of those games, as for ones that stand out for not comming out in 2011 project draco would be the first on that list Demons of Mercy is TBA I don't think it will be in 2011 (also think it might come to ps3 like Dead island) Gears of War Exile I have my  doubts about making it in by the end of the year same with Codename D

I'm guessing you aren't counting the psn ones for ps3 (they're after the notable multiplats with exclusive content) I count 35 disc exclusives 14 psn games and 3 re-release collections and your list of 360 exclusives that are less then 20 has xbl games in it 

Again your math is off, Sony clearly has the better line up this year and I think that will translate into more sales 

Didn't count PSN games because I don't really pay attention to XBL, or PSN games, and I don't even really consider them full out games.

Dead Island was listed on Wikipedia as a 360 exclusive way back, and it's still on the list of 360 exclusives, but Gears 3 is still set for an April 2011 release date there too so :-/

I moved Demons of Mercy and Dungeon Hero to 2012, still 16 to 19 games. Codename D is TBA 2011 on IGN. As for Project Draco, I've heard it's planned to be a 2011 title, but I dunno.

Also, like I said, a lot of those games on the PS3 list will not make it to Americas/EMEAA by 2011, if at all. Yakuza: Of the End, FF Versus XIII, White Knight Chronicles 2, Disgaea 4, Trinity, Ar tonelico, Record of Agarest War 2 (hasn't even made it over, and 1 is multiplatform), Atelier Totori, Tales of Xilla, Ni no Kuni, Disaster Report 4, Tokyo Jungle, Samari Warriors 3Z, Way of the Samarai 4 (3 was a timed exclusive), Bleach: Soul Ignition, and Ape Escape. These 16 games, have either a confirmed 2012 release date, no release plans outside of Japan, or in the case of Way of the Samari 4, not even confirmed exclusives.

Recounting that list, I only have 18 PS3 games since Ape Escape has no set release date.

So my math is fine, 16 vs 18, not a big difference.

Wow you make ALOT of baseless assumptions, first your basic math is off 35-16 is 19 not 18, second Trinity is already out in NA, Disgaea 4 and Ar tonelico, have a 2011 release date and Atelier Totori 2 and White night chronicles 2 both came in out in 2010 in japan and their predecesors came out in a time frame that would allow both the games to be out in 2011 if they followed it not to mention that if I cut games off your list because they might end up or ps3 or don't have a confirmed release date you'd be down to 5 you are being very biased in the way you are handling it, you are cutting ps3 games for things which you ignore 360 games for and I said gears exile, the kinect gears, not the actual gears game 

EDIT you also counted the halo remake but ignored the 3 ps3 remakes