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During the PS1, and PS2 era Sony had 3rd parties keeping them on top. Now that they don't they are working more on 1st party games. The problem is those games have no impact on the industry or hardware when it comes to sales. Games like LBP, and Infamous, and Uncharted. May be great for the industry when it comes to new creative ips. Still the month to month industry growth numbers. Little to no impact at least this generation. The more these huge new games fail to make them real money. The sooner they will dissappear or get passed to someone else. Remember Sypro, and Crash. Those guys where new, but not really big time. Now they float from developer to developer. If Sony new games had as much of a impact as Wii series games, or even something like Mario games. Then you would have a point.  Your point of view is really only about being a fan or gamer. Still I bet at one time people who loved Neo Geo, and Dreamcast. Thought the same thing about the new games they were making.


Also Sony games that have had or will have 2 to 3 this generation are.

Ratchet and Clank, Infamous, Uncharted, Motorstorm, Killzone, LBP, and Resistance! Since Ratchet and Clank was created there has been more of those games. Then 3d and 2d Mario games combined. Where Nintendo has made Wii Fit that has out sold them all combined. The moral is there are those that need many, and those we need a few!

Milking a character is alot different than milking a franchise. Mario is in alot of different games. Were Ratchet is in alot of games. 5 different experiences featuring Mario is better than 3 sequels of Ratchet and Clank!


Just because someone is saying something different. Doesn't mean their point of view is right!

Member Of The Wii Squad: Warriors of Light!

One of the 4 Yonkou of Youtube aka Wii Warlords. Other Members include ThaBlackBaron, Shokio, and Cardy.